REVIEW : Daiso Charcoal Mask (GROSS and HEAVY PIC)

Finally, i review this product. I really really really reaaaaaaaaally want to try this since long time ago but this product is not available in any Daiso Indonesia. Online shop is the only hope. But this product is just getting rare. I try to search it on Instagram but mostly it was posted last year. So, i think it's not ready anymore. Someday my friend tell me a great idea. She told me to search it on (it was before. oh memories). And, voila! i got it!!!
The Price was written Rp. 45.000 but when i contact the seller it become cheaper. Only Rp. 35.000!!!

So here we go.

I really like how Korean and Japanese product in tube are sealed with aluminium foil. It's hygienic and safe. Why do Indonesian products didn't use it. whyyyyyyy???
And as you can see on to first pic it written はがすタイプ NATURAL PACK. はがすタイプ (hagasu taipu) means peel off type.
Click the image so you can read it
How to use are written both in Japanese and English.
and I found interesting fact.
Japanase product that made in Korea
And this is how the liquid looks like.

It glossy and sticky, stickier that Garnier peel off mask if you ever tried. This pack has a weird familiar scent. Later i noticed that it's just like a glue scent but it doesn't bother me. Even my friend said it has a fresh scent. A little bit hard to blend and kinda patchy since it is so sticky. When the pack dries i has matte finish and a little bit coarse texture because of the charcoal powder. Here is how it looks on my face.
i can't smile when it dries. it was sooo tight
It was really tight, i can't move my face at all, a bit hurt when you peel it off. You need 15-30 minutes until it completely dry. I've use this mask so many time and it give different result because of the amount of the pack that i used. My first experience has the best result (the picture i post here is my first experience). Do not use too thick or too thin. If you put it too thin it will be really patchy and didn't remove your blackhead and dead skin at all. If you put it too thick it will take a really long time to dry and since the mask is cool it gonna close your pores during drying time and it won't remove your blackhead and dead skin perfectly.

The best way to use this mask is, first, peeling your skin using scrubs, wipe your face with warm water to open you pores and last put this mask on. Here is the result.
click to see full size

click to see full size

click to see full size

click to see full size

It remove your black and white heads nicely. It also removes your baby hair (fyi, i have a lot baby and facial hair). And my pores are tighten!!! i'm really sorry i forgot to take before and after pic.

My face seems brighter also because it remove your dead skin.


Remove  your black/whiteheads
Remove baby/facial hair
Remove dead skin
Brighten your skin (temporary)
Tighten your pores


Smell like glue
It's tricky to get the right amount
Hard to get here in Indonesia



But after all, this mask is really good and worth to try. See you next post!! 


  1. iya sayangnya Daiso Indonesia gak ada produk skincare sama makeup nya yaaa T.T padahal yg kayak gini menarik banget.


    1. Iyaaaah.. bener banget. padahal makeup ama skincare mereka lumayan loooh...

  2. waaaah keren nih maskernya keangkat semua :o murah lagi ya hahaha patut dicoba!!!

    1. iyeess. meski rada tricky pakenya n sakit pas ngelepas. tapi habis make legaaaa... :D

    2. aku minta linknya atau contactnya dong, kalo di olx kan banyak takutnya palsu.-.

    3. ada linenya. aku krm lewat G+ km aja ya...

    4. boleh minta id line seller nya juga? Hehe.. via email saja ya kalau boleh thank you ^^

    5. boleh minta id line seller nya juga? Hehe.. via email saja ya kalau boleh thank you ^^

    6. aku sudah kirim email say :D

    7. kak boleh minta kontak sellernya makasih ya kak

  3. Hai dear salam kenal~

    Aku juga udah pakai bulanan, atau malah udah setahun gitu deh, lupa hahaha...

    Lumayan lah kalau dari segi harga, hasilnya juga kadang bikin seneng, kadang bikin gak seneng karena gak fungsi hahaha... Yang paling menyakitkan waktu proses membuka maskernya, suakiiiit XDDD

    Kapan2 datang berkunjung ke tempat aku ya <3333

    1. iyaa lumayan bgt ini. tapi sekarang susah dapet. udah jarang olshop yg jual. musti nitip ke temen yg lg di jepang ato tempat lain dg daiso yg isinya lengkap.
      hahaha iya emang sakit bgt pas buka. dan makenya emang tricky kadang hasilnya oke kadang kagak. hahaha thank you for visiting <3

    2. Iya sih, aku aja belinya langsung dari jepang, di daiso indonesia katanya gak jual liquid, jadi percuma nungguin hahaha...

  4. Kak mau doong id sellernyaA

    1. sellernya udah ga jual lg ini. sekarang aku jg susah nyari produk ini lg. T.T maaf yaaa. km coba search di OLX atau tokopedia. aku dulu jg gitu nyari di OLX

  5. Nice review! cocok buat semua jenis kulit ga say?

    btw, aku afra salam kenal. Main main ya ke blogku hehe :)

    1. Halo, kalo menurutku masker ini agak kurang cocok buat kulit sensitif, karena pas ngelupas itu sakit. hehehe. Biasanya sih ku akalin dengan pake aloe gel setelah pake masker untuk mengurangi iritasi.

      halo salam kenal juga. thank you for visiting.

  6. Telat baca ini.. Padahal pas di jepang kmrn aku ada beli bbrp skin care, tp ga tau ttg produk ini.. Kalo tau gt, aku beli :D. Paling suka kalo pke masker utk remove komedo gini. Berasa puaaaas bgt pas nyabut :D

    1. waha sayang banget ya. soalnya disini udah susah banget carinya hehehe. iya sama puas banget pas kecabut semuaaa, legaaaa hehehehe

  7. ka boleh minta kontak sellernya?:))

    1. Halo maaf ya tapi sellernya udah gak jual produk ini lagi. Kamu bisa cari di tokopedia atau shopee kok hehehe.


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